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Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia (TEAM) was formally registered with the Malaysian Registrar of Societies (ROS) on 3rd March 2003.



Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia 


Categories of members


  1. Ordinary Members, who shall be registered educational institutions which have an interest in or offer hospitality and/or tourism programmes and individual members who shall be persons interested in hospitality and/or tourism and support the objectives of TEAM and pay dues.

  2. Associate Members shall be businesses/companies, agencies, associations and other organisations, which have an interest in hospitality and/or tourism, support the objectives of TEAM, and pay dues. The number of associate members shall not exceed 30% of the total membership.


Every application for membership shall be proposed by an Ordinary member and seconded by another ordinary member and shall be forwarded to the Secretary who shall at the first convenient opportunity submit to the Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee may at its absolute discretion reject any application for membership without having to give any reasons whatsoever.


Every applicant whose application has been approved shall, upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee and first annual subscription, be admitted as a member of the Association. An ordinary member, who is a registered educational institution, shall be entitled to nominate one representative to exercise all the privileges of the relevant membership. Subject to Clause 5.5 the institution concerned may change its official representative at any time by written notice to the Executive Committee.


Only Ordinary Members may nominate one representative each to exercise the right to vote and if elected, to hold office. Associate Members shall have no voting rights and are not eligible to hold office but shall be entitled to all other privileges of membership.


The nomination and election of an Ordinary Member, who is a registered hospitality and tourism education and training institution, to the Executive Committee shall be made with a precondition that the official representative of the member concerned is specifically named in the nomination and the election.


In the event of any change of the official representative of such a member after his election, the Executive Committee by majority decision shall have the discretion to either consent to the change of the official representative of the member concerned whereupon the new official representative of the member concerned shall continue to be or hold office in the Executive Committee, or to withhold its consent to the change of the official representative of the member concerned whereupon the official representative of the member concerned shall be treated as and be deemed to have resigned from the Executive Committee.


In the event of a change of ownership or name of the member’s company, firm or corporation or a change of name of the member’s institution/college or a change of premises, the member concerned shall inform the Association immediately in writing of such change(s) as soon as the change(s) have been approved by the relevant authorities. Any non-disclosure may result in non-renewal of membership.


A member whose membership has been cancelled or has been allowed to lapse or who has resigned may re-apply for membership in the same manner as aforesaid and with the same provisions to entrance fee. This provision shall not apply to an expelled member.


Entrance Fees

All members on their application for membership being approved by the Executive Committee shall pay the following:


Ordinary Member      -   Institution                   RM  100.00         

Ordinary Member      -   Individual                   RM    50.00         

Ordinary Member      -   Life Membership       RM  750.00          

Associate Member                                            RM   50.00         


Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions shall become due on the first day of each year and shall be payable within 60 days thereof. All members who register mid-way in the year will be charged on a prorated basis and their membership shall become due on the first day of the following year. These fees are as follows:


Ordinary Member      -   Institution                  RM 250.00       

Ordinary Member      -   Individual                  RM   50.00       

Associate Member                                           RM 100.00       


Life Membership shall be available to individuals only. Life Membership shall pay no annual dues after having paid their Life Membership fee, but shall otherwise have the same rights and privileges as Individual Ordinary Members.


The Life Membership fee for a sustaining member shall remain the same as when they began their sustaining membership, despite any intervening increases in the Life Membership fee, providing they do not allow their sustaining membership to lapse for more than a year during that period.


Any Ordinary Member, who is a registered educational institution, desiring to nominate additional official representative(s) from branch campus or campuses to participate in the activities of the Association shall pay an additional annual subscription of RM 100 per branch campus subject to Clause 10. 1.



All payments of entrance fees, subscriptions and other dues shall be made payable to the Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia.



When a member falls into arrears in payment of subscription and fails to settle within three (3) months, the Executive Committee may at its discretion remove the member from the Association’s Register of Members, in which event membership is deemed to be terminated.


Other Dues

Any other dues to be collected from members other than the entrance fees and annual subscriptions as described above may only be raised with the consent of the Annual General Meeting.



All payments of entrance fees, subscriptions and other dues shall be made payable to the Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia.


To make payment directly to the “TOURISM EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA” bank account, kindly make the payment through Maybank Berhad, account number 5142 7143 5005. Kindly e-mail the bank-in slip to or



2018. Copyright Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia. All rights reserved.


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