TEAM Conference
The 6th TEAM Conference 2020 welcomes you to submit research papers or poster proposals for presentation. This year’s conference will be in Kuala Lumpur on August 4th, 2020. The 2020 TEAM Conference theme is “Activating Change in Tourism and Hospitality Education” and we expect a wide range of topics related to education, research and management in the field of travel, tourism, and hospitality services to be shared.
Date : 4th August 2020
Venue : Kuala Lumpur
The aim of TEAM Conference 2020 is to provide a platform for discussion and sharing of information on contemporary issues and challenges faced by the tourism industry with special emphasis on the development and planning both regionally and globally.
The conference also aims at stimulating inter-disciplinary discussions and networking to further enhance and enrich the knowledge of academicians, practitioners and professionals on tourism development. The conference program will feature keynote speeches by industry leaders and educators as well as paper presentation by both academics and industry practitioners alike.
Academics and educators in tourism
Senior tourism government officials
Tourism policy makers
Tourism researchers and industry consultants
Financial institutions and tourism investors
Managers of tourism establishments
Postgraduate students pursuing courses in tourism/hospitality
The TEAM Conference 2020 focus on a broad array of topics related to research in tourism and hospitality management. The conference organizers invite research papers, working papers, industry initiatives, and graduate student proposals with relevance to tourism or the hospitality industry.
Any research works related to other areas of the Hospitality and Tourism will be accepted for presentation if considered relevant throughout the blind refereeing process.
Articles submitted to the conference should report original and previously unpublished findings. Following the ethical conduct is very critical in the academic world. Hence, any act of plagiarism cannot be tolerated. If an author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, the submission will be automatically dismissed.
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of TEAM Journal (ISSN: 1823-4003). The TEAM Journal is the official publication of the Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia. The journal is currently indexed by MyCite (Malaysian Citation Index), Asean Citation Index (ACI), CABI Index, and CIRET (International Center for Research and Study on Tourism).
Articles should normally have between 6000 and 10000 words. The text should be in English, American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of both. The paper must include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The proposed structure is not compulsory and may vary depending on the specific paper.
It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread. The full article must be submitted as a MS Word file in DOC or DOCX format (PDF format is not accepted). Please format your article accordingly to the TEAM Journal manuscript guidelines (Click here). Submissions must be made in electronic form via the online form (Submit here).
Within 14 working days, the corresponding author shall receive an e-mail from the Conference Scientific Committee, confirming the receipt of the manuscript and providing the manuscript’s code to be used in future reference. All correspondence thereafter regarding the review process of the manuscript shall be with the coordinating editor (estimated TOR: 7-8 weeks).
Paper submission
30th May 2020
Photo-ready paper submission
1st July 2020
Registration & Full Payment
15th July 2020
Event day
4th August 2020
Once the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must register and present the paper at the conference.
Active Members
RM 100
RM 200
Students (with student ID)
RM 100
RM 100
*Please note also that the conference fee must be received in full, meaning that all bank charges are to be absorbed by the participants. Furthermore, it should also be noted that all fee payments must be settled well in advance before the event. Payments on site during the event will not be accepted.
Please make payment directly to the “TOURISM EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA” bank account (Maybank Berhad : 514271435005). Kindly e-mail the transaction proof to team.secretariat1@gmail.com.
4th August 2020
8.00 am
Registration and Reception
8.30 am
Paper presentation - Concurrent session
10.00 am
Keynote Address and Opening Ceremony
11.30 am
Forum: Change in Tourism & Hospitality Education
12.30 pm
Lunch Break
2.30 pm
Workshop on Research Grants
Paper presentation - Concurrent session
4.00 pm
5.30 pm
Afternoon Tea and end of conference